CABS Board Alumni
Philippe Clezardin is Research Director at INSERM (National Institute for Medical Research), head of the Research Unit UMR_S1033 entitled: “Pathophysiology, Diagnostic and Treatments of Bone Diseases” (; 2011-present), and Coordinator of the european Marie Curie Initial Training Network BONE-NET (2011-2015). He is also Associate Editor of BoneKEy Reports (Nature Publishing Group) and the Journal of Bone Oncology (Elsevier). Before that he was Director of the Federative Research Institute “IFR62” entitled: “Cancer, Nutrition and Metabolism” (14 laboratories, circa: 500 people; 2007-2010) and President of the Cancer and Bone Society (2009-2010). He is member of several scientific societies [American Association for Bone and Mineral Research (ASBMR), American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), Association pour la Recherche sur les Tumeurs de la Prostate (ARTP), International Bone and Mineral Society (IBMS), Société Française du Cancer (SFC), European Study Group of Bone Metastasis (GEMO)]. For the past twenty years, Philippe focused his research interests on the mechanisms of bone metastasis formation of breast and prostate cancers, with the goal of developing new anticancer therapies. He obtained his Ph.D and D.Sc. from the University of Lyon, France. He also completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the Medical Research Council in Edinburgh, Scotland, UK (1984-1986) and was a visiting scientist at the Ottawa General Hospital, ON, Canada (1990-1991). Philippe has authored over 130 publications and contributed to about 15 chapters in textbooks on cancer research (h-index: 43). Some of his publications in Cancer Research, Clinical Cancer Research, JNCI, JCI and PNAS have been ranked by the ISI Web of Science among the most highly cited papers.
T.J. Martin is Emeritus Professor of Medicine, University of Melbourne and John Holt Fellow, St Vincent’s Institute of Medical Research. After being Professor of Chemical Pathology at the University of Sheffield (UK) from 1974 until 1977, he was Professor and Chairman of the University of Melbourne Department of Medicine until 1999. He was Director of St Vincent’s Institute of Medical Research from 1988 – 2002. His research has been in bone cell biology, the mechanisms of action of hormones that influence bone and calcium metabolism, intercellular communication in bone and the differentiation of bone cells, and the effects of cancers upon the skeleton. A Fellow of the Royal Society and of the Australian Academy of Science, he has been President of the International Bone and Mineral Society and a Council member of the ASBMR. Among awards were the Dale Medal in 1992 (UK) and the William F Neuman Award in 1994 (USA. He has published more than 600 scientific articles and reviews and 6 books.
Dr. Theresa A. Guise is the Jerry and Peggy Throgmartin Professor of Oncology, Medicine and Pharmacology at the Indiana School of Medicine where she directs a basic and translational research program on the effects of cancer and cancer treatment on muscle and bone. She trained at the University of Pittsburgh and the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. Dr. Guise received the Fuller Albright Award and the Paula Stern Achievement Award from the American Society of Bone and Mineral Research (ASBMR) in 1999 and 2012, respectively, as well as the Outstanding Investigator Award from the International Bone and Calcium Institute. She was elected to the American Society for Clinical Investigation in 2004, the Association of American Physicians in 2008 and chaired the NIH study section of Skeletal Biology, Structure and Regeneration from 2007-2009. She has served on the Board of Directors for the Paget Foundation for Bone Diseases, the International Bone and Mineral Society and the Council of the American Society for Clinical Investigation, for which she also served as treasurer, and the ASBMR. She held the Gerald D. Aurbach Professor of Endocrinology, at the University of Virginia and the Zachry Chair for Translational Research at the University of Texas. She is currently President of the International Bone and Mineral Society and a Scholar of the Susan G. Komen Foundation. Dr. Guise’s laboratory interests encompass skeletal complications of malignancy: tumor metastasis to bone and the effect of cancer and cancer treatment on musculoskeletal health. She is currently principal investigator in several grant-funded research projects from the NIH, the Department of Defense, Susan G. Komen Foundation and other agencies. Dr. Guise’s clinical interests encompass diseases of calcium and bone metabolism, with a focus on patients with malignancy. She has authored over 150 peer-reviewed articles.
Her laboratory has been funded by the NIH, DOD (breast cancer, prostate cancer and neurofibromatosis), Susan G. Komen, Prostate Cancer Foundation, V-Foundation, Mary K. Ash, Institutional funds, pharmaceutical companies and philanthropy.
Peter undertook his undergraduate and PhD training at the University College Cardiff and the University of Wales College of Medicine. He did post-doctoral training in the Department of Medicine and LMB in Cambridge before moving to the Department of Human Metabolism and Clinical Biochemistry in Sheffield where he became a Leukeamia Research Fund Bennett Senior Research Fellow. In 2001 he moved to the Institute of Musculoskeletal Sciences at Oxford University as a Senior Research Fellow. Peter returned to Sheffield in 2003 as Professor of Bone Biology. In 2009 Peter was appointed the inaugural joint Direct of the Mellanby Center for Bone Research and the Head of the Department of Human Metabolism, at the University of Sheffield.
Peter joined the Garvan Institute in December 2011 as Head of the Osteoporosis and Bone Program and now leads the Division of Bone Biology. Peter’s research interests are in understanding the cellular and molecular mechanisms responsible for physiological and pathological regulation of the skeleton. He has a particular interest in tumors that grow in bone such as multiple myeloma, or those that metastasise to bone, including prostate and breast cancer. His current interests are focused on the understanding the earliest critical events in tumor cell colonization of bone, tumor dormancy in the skeleton and the development of therapeutic approaches aimed at targeting the bone microenvironment to prevent tumor growth. Peter is also interested in the development of anti-resorptive and bone anabolic agents to treat tumor induced bone disease.
Dr. Roodman is currently the Kenneth Wiseman Professor of Medicine and Co-leader of Hematopoiesis, Hematologic Malignancies, and Immunology at the Indiana University Simon Cancer Center and School of Medicine. His lab is interested in the role of bone cells in normal and pathologic conditions, in particular myeloma. The Roodman lab performs preclinical and basic studies on the molecular mechanisms controlling bone cell differentiation to identify therapeutic targets for treating myeloma and paget's disease. Dr. Roodman has published more than 500 articles, book chapters, abstracts and editorials and serves on multiple editorial boards for professional journals.
Masahiro Abe is Professor of Department of Hematology, Endocrinology and Metabolism at Tokushima University Graduate School, and Chief of Division of Hematology at Tokushima University Hospital. He graduated from Tokushima University School of Medicine, Japan, in 1984. In 1989-92, he studied the biology of multiple myeloma and AL amyloidosis as a visiting scientist at Human Immunology and Cancer Program at University of Tennessee Medical Center. He became Clinical Professor of Tokushima University Hospital in 2009, and then Professor of Tokushima University Graduate School in 2015. He has been studying to dissect the molecular mechanisms for formation of bone disease in myeloma and drug resistance in myeloma cells and their progenitors, and trying to develop innovative therapeutic strategies against myeloma and its bone disease. He is currently a Council member of the JBMM and Japanese Society of Myeloma.
Professor Robert (Rob) Coleman is the Yorkshire Cancer Research Professor of Medical Oncology and Honorary Consultant in the Academic Unit of Clinical Oncology at Weston Park Hospital, Sheffield. He graduated in medicine from Kings College Hospital Medical School in 1978 and trained in London and Edinburgh before moving to Sheffield in 1991. Throughout the past 25 years he has been instrumental in developing clinical cancer research in the city and surrounding clinical network and developing the internationally respected bone oncology research team in Sheffield. He has held many leadership roles within the university and the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Cancer Research Network. Since 2014 he has been a part-time Medical Director for the independent medical education provider, prIME Oncology™ alongside his ongoing, but now part-time role within the university.
Rob is passionate about improving the care of cancer patients through research and has particular interests in new developments in the management of breast cancer and the effects of cancer and its various treatments on the bones. He has written more than 400 scientific articles and book chapters and leads a number of national and international clinical trials. He is a past-president of CABS and is founding editor of “Journal of Bone Oncology”, the only journal devoted entirely to cancer and bone and is a trustee for Breast Cancer Now, the largest breast cancer research charity in the UK.